2017 NJ Onnuri 겨울 해외 단기 선교
Even Now 요엘 2:12-13

겨울 해외 단기선교 안내 (Winter Mission Information)
Peru - 페루 - 마감--------------------------------
기간 (Dates): 11/22 (수) - 11/28 (화)
사역 (Ministry): 1) 지방 청소년 비전 캠프 2) VBS 3) 도시/지방 전도 사역
회비 (Dues): $900
마감 (Due Date): 9/24 (주)
첫 모임 (First Mtg): 9/30 (토)
***Apply before 9/10 for $100 Early Bird Discount***

Turkey & Tunisia - 터키&튀니지아- 마감--------------------------
기간 (Dates): 12/23 (토) - 12/30 (토)
사역 (Ministry): 1) 루디아 프로젝트 (도시 및 지방), 2) 현지 교회 사역 3) 문화사역
회비 (Dues): $1200
마감 (Due Date): 10/22 (주)
첫 모임 (First Mtg): 10/28 (토)
***Apply before 9/10 for $100 Early Bird Discount***

For Questions, please contact the following individuals.
박나리: nari.park@njonnuri.org

한지윤: jean.hahn@njonnuri.org
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  • Apply before 9/10 for $100 Early Bird Discount
  • 크레딧 카드로 내시는 분은 "submit" 을 누루시면, secure authorize.net page 에 가셔서 카드 정보를 넣으시면 됩니다.
    (For CC payment, you'll be sent to authorize.net secure page to input your card information.)

    Payment plan 이 필요하신 분은, 아래 "optional" box 안에 납부 계획을 써주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    (For Payment Plan via CC or Cash/Check, please write down your plan submission request in the "optional" box below.)
  • For CC payments, by clicking the Submit button, I give authorization to NJ Onnuri Community Church to charge my credit card in the amount shown below.

    - By my submission to participate in the upcoming Short Term Missions, I understand that I will be asked and will share my daily devotions (QT) with my team members on a daily basis.

    In addition, to the best of my abilities, I will make all attempts to participate on a weekly missions team meetings.
  • 모든 신청자 분들은 Passport copy 를 upload 해 주세요.
var ANS_customer_id="707f3395-d286-491b-8324-b4a8196a8b9e"; Credit Card Processing